Saturday, May 11, 2019

May 12 - Jules Massenet; Gabriel Fauré (The Musical Birthday Series)

Two of the most important late 19th century French composers were born on this day just three years apart - Jules Massenet (12 May 1842 – 13 August 1912) and Gabriel Fauré (12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924). So here is a limerick for both together, and one for each.

Le couple français

It’s the birthday of Jules Massenet,
Who shares the event with Fauré,
So sound a French horn
For the day they were born,
And honor the twelfth day of May

Thais’ Thighs

When Massenet wrote his Thais
He remembered the stage and the police,
So though she beguiles
With a courtesans wiles
She wears a most modest chemise.

Do Go Gentle 

The requiem mass of Fauré
Invites you to ponder and pray;
No trumpets or banners
Disturb the good manners
Of its civilized Gallic dismay.

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