Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12 - Richard M. Sherman (The Musical Birthday Series)

Richard M. Sherman (b. 12 June 1928) was half of the Sherman brothers team that was a ubiquitous presence in Disney scores from the 1960s to 80s.

Disney Princes

It’s hard to determine
What each brother Sherman
Contributes in each Disney song.
But fate has decided
However divided
As a team they could hardly do wrong.

The keen effervescence
Of pre-adolescence
Is captured in songs by the myriad.
And they learned to unleash
A potent pastiche
To capture a place or a period.

On the edge of annoying,
In danger of cloying,
As earworms extremely efficient.
It may not seem much,
For those Oscars and such,
But apparently it was sufficient.

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