Tuesday, July 9, 2019

July 10 - Carl Orff (The Musical Birthday Series)

Carl Orff (10 July 1895 – 29 March 1982) is largely remembered for his enduringly popular Carmina Burana, and his pedagogical Schulwerk.

O fortuna

When Fortune is with you, it’s great —
But remember before it’s too late,
A turn of the wheel
Is bound to reveal
The foul depredations of Fate!

Sing out loud! Sing out strong!
Carmina Burana is loud;
Whenever we hear it we’re cowed -
The carnal hysterics
Of medieval clerics
As yelled by a mixed choral crowd! 

Box Orffice

Carmina Burana is brash.
It begins and it ends with a splash.
All told, it’s not subtle,
And brooks no rebuttal,
But it certainly rakes in the cash.

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