Friday, July 12, 2019

July 12 - Van Cliburn (The Musical Birthday Series)

Van Cliburn (12 July 1934 – 27 February 2013) was an American pianist who achieve a stardom unusual for classical pianists after winning the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.

Naming Rights

Oh, Van Cliburn, it was glorious
When you came back home victorious!
When you won the Russian prize,
Taking Moscow by surprise.
When you played Tchaikovsky’s First
Fame was yours and in a burst
You became a household name,
Beating Russia at its game,
Honored for the way you played
With a ticker tape parade.

Post-Tchaikovsky, your ambition 
Was to host a competition,
So, with your trophy on your shelf,
You named a contest for yourself.

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