Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17 - Peter Schickele; Vince Guaraldi (The Musical Birthday Series)

Peter Schickele (b. 17 July 1935) is an American composer and parodist. 
Vince Guaraldi (17 July 17 1928 – 6 February 1976) was a jazz pianist and composer.

Peer Pressure
When Schickele worked in the archives
Discovering Bach (P. D. Q.)
He loaded up multiple hard drives
With all of the stuff he went through.

But when it came time to submit it,
He tried in a journal or two,
And sadly, he had to admit it,
He couldn’t get past peer review.

Linus and Lucy and Vince

Vince Guaraldi’s gentle way
With current jazzy trends
Served him well when asked to play
For Charlie Brown and friends.

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