Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21 - Gustav Holst; Billy Porter (The Musical Birthday Series)

Billy Porter (b. 21 September 1969) is an American theater performer, pop singer, and actor. 

Gustav Holst (21 September 1874 – 25 May 1934) was a British composer, several of whose works are concert staples.

Fashion Statements: Variations on a Theme

Variation 1

Conservatives grow pale and ashen
When faced with Billy Porter's fashion.

If he were merely debonaire,
Like Connery or Fred Astaire,
Why then, they surely wouldn’t care;
But faced with such flamboyant flair,
It gives their sense of things a scare.

His ballyhooed sartorial splendor
Upsets their rigid grasp of gender

Variation 2

Conservative critics grow ashen
When faced with such in-your-face fashion.
They think Billy Porter
Is spreading disorder,
When really he’s spreading a passion.

Holst, Bringer of Ticket Sales

There’s “Planet X, bringer of this,”
And “Planet Y, bringer of that”
It’s so easy to mock and dismiss,
But performances never fall flat.

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