Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September 10 - Henry Purcell (The Musical Birthday Series)

Henry Purcell (c. 10 September 1659 – 21 November 1695) was one of the greatest British composers.  We do not actually know the date or even the year of his birth, but today has been suggested based on slight evidence, and since we have to celebrate his birth sometime, it might as well be today.


When the Court heard that Purcell was dead
They lifted silk hankies and said, 
“Oh, dry now thy tears, 
For in just a few years
We’ll have George Fredrick Handel instead.”

Hallowed Ground

When Dido prepared to embrace
Her sorrowful death in disgrace,
Convention required,
Before she expired,
A chromatic repetitive bass.

Performance Fracas

If you asked why we ended rehearsal
For our concert of anthems by Purcell,
You’d be told that a brawl
Over notes inégales
Was the cause of our early dispersal.

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