Friday, November 1, 2019

November 1 - Roger Quilter; Guido Adler (The Musical Birthday Series)

Roger Quilter (1 November 1877 – 21 September 1953) was a composer especially of songs.

 A Song

Roger Quilter, wan and wistful,
Published art songs by the fistful.
Even now I see his titles
On  nostalgic voice recitals.


Guido Adler (1 November 1855 – 15 February 1941) was an Austrian musicologist.


Guido Adler, founding spirit
   Of our modern music science,
Took the helm and tried to steer it
    In the paths of self-reliance.

Musikwissenschaft, don’t fear it,
   Don’t resist it with defiance,
If you make it your career, it
   Stands upon the work of giants.
Musicology is sounder
Thanks to Guido Adler, founder.

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