Friday, January 17, 2020

January 17 - Eartha Kitt; John Stanley; Benjamin Franklin (The Musical Birthday Series)

Eartha Kitt (17 January 1927 – 25 December 2008) was an American singer and actress who spent a significant part of her career in Europe.

On Eartha

Her voice, between a growl and purr,
Would instantly distinguish her,
From “C’est si bon” as she began
Extending to “Where Is My Man,”
Uniquely christened with the stamp
Of vixen, siren, shrew, and vamp.
Throughout the career of Eartha Kitt, 
She had that thing that’s known as “It.”


John Stanley (17 January 1712 [O.S.] – 19 May 1786) was an organist and composer some of 
whose organ pieces remain in the active repertoire.

Voluntary Servitude

John Stanley, who was almost blind,
Was blessed with such an agile mind
He was asked to fill positions
Offered to the best musicians.
The height was reached when he was beckoned
To serve the court of George the Second.


Benjamin Franklin (17 January 1706 [O.S.] (January 6, 1705 [N.S.] – 17 April 1790) was, of 
course, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He had a strong interest in music 
and musical instruments.


Benjamin Franklin,
It says in the chronicle,
Conceived of improvements
In things glass harmonical.

But a rumor went round,
Though largely unverified,
That minds would succumb
To vibrations so rarified.

Debunking the slurs
To his fragile appliance
Is a curious case
Of applied neuro-science.

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