Friday, January 24, 2020

January 24 - Frederick the Second; E. T. A. Hoffmann (The Musical Birthday Series)

Frederick the Great (24 January 1712 – 17 August 1786), King of Prussia was a talented amateur flutist and composer.

Also Ran

Frederick the Second had musical wants
That were largely fulfilled by music of Quantz,
Ignoring old Bach who was eagerly proffering
The intricate games of his Musical Offering.

And the Second Shall Be First

When Frederick the Second played the flute
His courtiers, who were most astute,
Averred there could be no dispute --
His taste (and rule) were absolute.


E. T. A. Hoffmann (24 January 1776 – 25 June 1822) was an author who dabbled in musical 
composition and wrote musical criticism. Many 19th century musicians found inspiration 
in his stories.

Literary Inspiration; or, Ohs

When Hoffman took his book and rose,
Transported with Romantic throes,
And read fantastic tales to those
Who gathered there at evening’s close,
Listeners, when they heard his prose,
Repaid him with bravissimos.

Musicians felt they must compose,
Feeling how afflatus glows
Before creative instinct flows,
And music grew like embryos
To fill up their portfolios
With prestos and adagios.

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