Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 9 - Rudolf Bing; Joan Baez (The Musical Birthday Series)

Rudolf Bing (9 January 1902 – 2 September 1997) was an opera impresario and long-time General Manager of the New York Metropolitan Opera.

Both Sides Now

Rudolf Bing, when he retired,
Was detested and admired.
Some were glad to see new things,
Some still wanted Mr. Bing’s.


Joan Baez (b. 9 January 1941) is an American singer and political activist.

Double Limerick for Joan Baez

The people will know who you are
When you’re singing with just a guitar.
No backups or band,
No dancers on hand,
Just you, every wrinkle and scar.

Joan Baez, alone on the stage,
Still singing of love and of rage,
The rafters rejoice
To ring with her voice,
Still fighting the fight in old age.

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