Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 11 - Louise Reichardt (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Series)

Louise Reichardt (11 April 1779 – 17 November 1826)was a German choral conductor and composer of Lieder.
[For last year's comments on Alberto Ginastera click here.]

Two Strikes

Reichardt’s husband to be, Friedrich Eschen, suddenly died before their wedding. Her second husband to be also died before their wedding. - Wikipedia

Fraulein Reichardt’s wedded bliss

Was twice delayed, the cause was this:

Just before the date intended

The would-be bridegrooms’ lives had ended.

Thus, other suitors were deterred

From taking steps to be the third.

Pardon me if I’m remiss

In writing something such as this,

To focus on her life, dear reader,

Rather than her charming Lieder.

Next time I’ll discuss achievements 

Rather than her sad bereavements.

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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.]

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