Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 9 - Emanuel Schikaneder (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Emanuel Schikaneder (9 April [recte 1 September 1751] – 21 September 1812) was a German impresario, dramatist, actor, singer, and composer. His birth was long thought to have been on April 9 and it still occasionally appears this way.  Since I had already written this little verse when I realized that my source was wrong, I decided to leave it, because, well, he won't know.
[For last year's limericks on Tom Lehrer click here.]

One Good Turn

Schickaneder’s claim to fame,
The reason we still know his name?
He was able to recruit
Mozart for The Magic Flute.

But after the success it brought,
He entertained the dubious thought
That Peter Winter would be equal
To writing a successful sequel.

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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.] 

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