Saturday, June 6, 2020

June 6 - Siegfried Wagner (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Siegfried Wagner (6 June 1869 – 4 August 1930) was a German composer, conductor, and the artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930. 
[For last year's limerick on John Stainer see here.]

And Richard Begat...

When you have a famous dad,
As Siegfried Wagner surely had,
You learn, for better or for worse,
Paternity can be a curse.

To this fact then add another,
Cosima, a fearsome mother:
Heading up the family clan
Can be a headache for a man.

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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.] 

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