Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 8 - Raffi (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Raffi (b. 8 July 1948), is a Canadian singer-lyricist, best-known for children's songs

[For last year's limericks on Steve Lawrence and Percy Grainger click here.]












The Children's Hour

Children’s music, with its fads,

Distresses frazzled moms and dads.

There is music that you daren’t

Mention when you meet a parent.

Watch how any parent winces

Hearing songs by Disney princes,

Even worse when young princésses

Sing the songs of their distresses,

And you never should remark

About that bouncy “Baby Shark,”

Or the sweet and simple blarney

Of that gentle dino Barney.

Last, not least, the direct and daffy

Children’s music sung by Raffi.




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