Monday, January 18, 2021

January 18 - Emmanuel Chabrier, Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Emmanuel Chabrier (18 January 1841 – 13 September 1894) was a French composer and pianist  who spent much of his life as a civil servant.

[For last year's confections on César Cui and Emmanuel Chabrier click here.]














Of All the Gall

The French composer Chabrier

Composed his own eccentric way;

Self-taught, piquant, unorthodox,

He thought with ease outside the box.

And that is all I have to say

About composer Chabrier.






Alfonso Ferrabosco (the Elder) (bapt.18 January 1543 – 12 August 1588) was an Italian composer who the one mainly responsible for the growth of the madrigal in England.















Sing Ye

The elder Alfonso Ferrabosco

     Brought madrigals to Britain.

Consider, if it had been not so,

     What wouldn’t have been written.

Without the madrigals by Morley,

    And Wilbye and that sort,

They would have passed the time more poorly

     In Gloriana’s court.



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