Thursday, March 4, 2021

March 4 - Paul Mauriat; Antonio Vivaldi (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Paul Mauriat (4 March 1925 – 3 November 2006) was a French orchestra leader specializing in the east listening. 

[Previous entries for March 4 can be found here: Antonio Vivaldi (2019), and here: Antonio Vivaldi (2020)]















I've Got Those Harpsichord Blues

That Paul Mauriat and his crew

Had a hit with the song “Love Is Blue”

Is a thing that defies

Any wherefores or whys,...

But it is undeniably true.





Antonio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741) remains one of the most loved composers of the Baroque era.


















Two Variations on a Theme of Vivaldi


Vivaldi, as fecund as ever,

Continued his lifelong endeavor,

“My scores, at their sloppiest,

Can be read by my copyist,

And I’m liable to do this forever.”


As Vivaldi wrote score after score,

The copyist charged with the chore

Of copying pages

Earned overtime wages;

He sharpened his quill

And he copied until

His fingers could copy no more.


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