Tuesday, March 9, 2021

March 9 - Ornette Coleman; Samuel Barber (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Ornette Coleman (9 or 19 March 1930 – 11 June 2015) was an American jazz saxophonist, violinist, trumpeter, best known for pioneering work in free jazz.

[Previous entries for March 9 may be read here:  Martin Shaw (2019) and Samuel Barber (2020)]






















Free Whirled

Ornette Coleman’s brand of jazz,

   Since it was both free and collective,

From his first recordings has

   Earned its share of free invective.


If your kind of razzmatazz

   Has a avant-garde objective,

It’s best to treat the critics as

   Just another free perspective.



Samuel Barber (9 March 1910 – 23 January 1981) was an American composer in all the major classical genres.





















Comfort Ye

Contented to write in a key,

Young Barber was able to be

Beloved by those

Who detested the throes

That the New Viennese had set free.




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