Thursday, May 20, 2021

May 20 - Cher (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 20th may be read here: Felix Arndt (2019) and  Cher (2020)


Cher (b. 20 May 1946) is an American singer, actress and television personality.


At 75

And elderly diva named Cher

Defiantly cried, “C’est la Guerre!

With a nip and a tuck,

And a soupçon of luck,

I’ve still got a decade to spare!”




The Diva Speaks

When choosing a new plastic surgeon,

It’s always OK if you splurge. In

Fact, what you spend

May decide, in the end,

The condition that you’ll re-emerge in.






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