Friday, June 11, 2021

June 11 - Richard Strauss; Hazel Scott (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for Richard Strauss's birthday are found here: (2019) and (2020)



Richard Strauss (11 June 1864 – 8 September 1949) as a German composer, especially known for operas, orchestral showpieces, and art songs.


















Suite on Die Frau ohne Schatten

Side 12

I’m listening now to Die Frau,

And I’ll try to get through it somehow.

Though the plot is notorious,

The music is glorious,

And the end of Act 3 is a wow.

Me and My Shadow

The public, at first, didn’t cotton

To Strauss’s Die Frau ohne Schatten;

And it’s perfectly fair

That they didn’t much care

If that shadow was given or gotten.

The Wife Speaketh

“It’s peculiar, but I could have sworn

That some messages, sad and forlorn,

Emerged from my dish

Of some undercooked fish

Sung by voices of children unborn.”






Hazel Scott (11 June 1920 – 2 October 1981) was a Trinidadian-born jazz pianist  who often used classical themes and styles.
















She had plenty of talent to bring

When adapting the classics to swing,

And though it seems gimmicky

To indulge in such mimicry,

It was Hazel Scott’s signature thing.




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