Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June 2 - Edward Elgar (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 2nd are found here: Edward Elgar (2019) and (2020)




Edward Elgar (2 June 1857 – 23 February 1934) is arguably the most important British composer between Purcell and Britten.




















Pomp (The View from Mid-Century)

“Boastful self-confidence, emotional vulgarity, material extravagance, a ruthless philistinism expressed in tasteless architecture and every kind of expensive yet hideous accessory: such features of a late phase of Imperial England are faithfully reflected in Elgar's larger works and are apt to prove indigestible today.”‘ --- The Record Guide (1955) as qtd in Wikipedia..

While Elgar had never been dodgy,

Or reckless, or lax, or hodgy-podgy,

It was time in the swamp

Of Edwardian pomp

That left him inflated and stodgy.



And Circumstance (The View from 2020)

"Elgar was the most significant composer Britain has produced since Henry Purcell, and his finest music – the symphonies and concertos – easily stands comparison with that of his late-romantic contemporaries Richard Strauss and Gustav Mahler." -- Andrew Clements, in The Guardian, 28 Aug 2020

How quickly opinion has shifted,

As if plugs in our ears had been lifted;

The man who before

Was a pompous old bore,

Now ranks with the blessedly gifted.



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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.] 



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