Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13 - Arnold Schoenberg (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 13th are here: Arnold Schoenberg (2019) and Clara Schumann; Yma Sumac (2020)



Arnold Schoenberg (13 September 1874 – 13 July 1951) was a towering figure in the musical life of the twentieth century.









Contra Expressionism 

When Schoenberg was learning to paint,

The neighborhood lodged a complaint,

“The turpentine smell

Is annoying as hell,

And he thinks that he’s good, but he ain’t.”



Rah, Rah, Row

When teaching at UCLA,

He tried to fit in in his way,

But his atonal fight song

Just wasn’t the right song

For the troglodyte fans of the day.





At Home with the Schoenbergs

Said Gertrude to Arnold, “I know

You’ve committed yourself to ‘the row,’

But maybe for me

You could write in a key

Every half dozen pieces or so.”



New Viennese School Letter Jackets?

Has it ever been noticed that they

Have names that begin with an “A”?

Does it put a new slant on

Young Alban or Anton

That Arnold took charge in this way?



Believe me, if you are the type,

Who likes things effulgent and ripe,

You’ll find Gurrelieder,

When you hear it, dear Reader,

A thing that lives up to the hype.




Over the Edge

Here is some guidance for you

If Opus 11 is new:

The first movements go

Rather thoughtfully slow,

While the third one is all derring-do.





One Page Marvels

The audience sighed with relief

That Opus 19 was so brief.

The six little pieces

Are merely caprices

Exploring a single motif.



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