Tuesday, December 14, 2021

December 14 - Maria Szmanowska (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 14th are here: Christopher Parkening; Spike Jones (2019) and Maria Szymanowska (2020)



Maria Szymanowska (14 December 1789 –25 July 1831) was a Polish piano virtuoso and composer. 





















Placing the Blame


She was one of the first professional piano virtuosos in 19th-century Europe and one of the first pianists to perform memorized repertoire in public, a decade ahead of Franz Liszt and Clara Schumann.-- Wikipedia

Maria Szymanowska 

  Didn't use a score,

A kind of feat that pianists 

  Had rarely tried before.

Liszt and Clara Schumann

  Joined her in this shtick,

And every virtuoso since

  Has had to learn this trick.



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