Friday, January 28, 2022

January 28 - Giovanni Battista Velluti; Ferdinand Hérold (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 28th are here: John Tavener (2020) and Artur [Arthur] Rubinstein; Johann Ernst Bach (2021)



Giovanni Battista Velluti (28 January 1780 – 22 January 1861), was an Italian castrato.  















...a local doctor castrated him at the age of eight as treatment for a cough and high fever. -- Wikipedia

At times it is best to think twice

Before taking your doctor’s advice.

It’s best to demur

From a surgical cure,

When a pill and some rest might suffice.






Upon his retirement from the stage, he became an agriculturist and died in 1861. -- Wikipedia

Giovanni Battista Velluti, it seems,

  Was “the last of the great castratos.”

He retired from the stage and its squabbling schemes,

  And quietly planted tomatoes.




Ferdinand Hérold (28 January 1791 – 19 January 1833) was a French composer, best known for his many operas and ballets.





















Hanging In There

The overture to Zampa by

  Ferdinand Hérold,

Is now the only reason why

  His music has a hold.

Alas, Hérold, you once stood tall

  With masters of your day,

And now this noisy piece is all

  That anyone will play.



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