Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 30 - Thomas Tallis; Harold Prince (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 30th are here: Johann Joachim Quantz; Thomas Tallis (2020) and Johann Joachim Quantz (2021)



Thomas Tallis (c. 1505 – 23 November 1585) was an extremely important English composer. We do not, in fact, know when he was born, but some sources cite tentative evidence pointing to 30 January, so... why not?


















As no records about the birth, family origins or childhood of Thomas Tallis exist, almost nothing is known about his early life or origins.  ... His remains may have been discarded by laborers during the 1710s, when the church was rebuilt. -- Wikipedia

His origins are so obscure

There’s nothing that we know for sure.

And after death, they took no pains

About the state of his remains.

And yet, in England, then or later

No composer counts as greater.


Do you work from day to day,

And let the chips fall where they may.






Harold Prince (30 January 1928 – 31 July 2019) was an American theatrical director and producer known for his work in musical theater.  















Let’s Do a Show!


Over the span of his career, he garnered a record-setting twenty-one Tony Awards... - Wikipedia  

No producer or director,

  Before or since,

Was a Tony collector

  Like Harold Prince.




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