Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 20 - Johann Peter Salomon; Adalbert Gyrowetz (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 20th are here:  Carl Czerny (2020) and Nancy Wilson (2021)


Johann Peter Salomon (bapt. 20 February 1745– 28 November 1815) was a German violinist, composer, conductor, and impresario.













Beethoven Connection 1: First Things


His birth home was at Bonngasse 515, coincidentally the later birth home of Beethoven. -- Wikipedia  

The gods agreed to doubly bless

A very famous Bonn address

   When Salomon’s mother gave birth;

This was a quarter century before

When lo! behind the selfsame door

   Beethoven came to this earth.






Adalbert Gyrowetz (20 February 1763 – 19 March 1850) was a Bohemian composer.


Beethoven Connection 2: Last Things

He was one of the pallbearers at Beethoven's funeral in 1827. -- Wikipedia

When Gyrowetz answered the call

And assisted in bearing the pall

   At Beethoven’s funeral rite,

Were his thought superstitiously harried

By the thought that the genius he carried

   Had preceded him into the Night?

Did he mutter, “This casket contains

The body, but also the brains,

   That created my musical Zeit.”?




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