Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24 - Samuel Wesley (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 24th are here: Arnold Dolmetsch (2020) and Arrigo Boito (2021)




Samuel Wesley (24 February 1766 – 11 October 1837) was an English organist and composer. 















 Dark Horse

Generally he appeared to be mistrusted by the British establishment, perhaps due to a forthright manner, his marriage arrangements and it is possible to speculate that he was unreliable. From 1815 onwards, he was beset by lack of money and depression. – Wikipedia

Here’s a rhyme I wrote expressly

On the life of Samuel Wesley.

(There’s scandal if you care to hear it!)

He had a most unbridled spirit,

And caused confusion in his home

By turning to the Church of Rome.

He had affairs that went unblessed,

And as you will, by now, have guessed,

This left his family most distressed.

He played the organ better than most,

But couldn’t get an organist post;

He scribbled music to survive,

Which no one’s eager to revive.

And that is all I want to tell

About this English ne’er-do-well.



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