Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 8 - Elly Ameling; André Grétry (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 8th are here: John Williams (2020) and Joe Raposo (2021)



Elly Ameling (b. 8 February 1933) is a Dutch soprano, best known as a recitalist.






















Auf Flügeln des Gesanges

When Ameling took to the stage

With Jansen or Baldwin or Gage,

Any song that she’d sing

Would arise and take wing

With a magic transcending the page.





André Grétry (prob. 8 February 1741 - 4 September 1813) was a French composer primarily of operas.





















Making Do

His proficiency in harmony and counterpoint was, however, according to his own confession, at all times very moderate. The structure of his concerted pieces on the other hand is frequently flimsy, and his instrumentation so feeble that the orchestral parts of some of his works had to be rewritten by other composers. – adapted from Wikipedia

Said a scholar who wrote a critique

Of Grétry’s composing technique,

“It wouldn’t be rough

Spending time with his stuff,

If it wasn't so musically weak.”



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