Friday, May 20, 2022

May 20 - Beniamino Gigli (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 20th may be read here: Felix Arndt (2019), Cher (2020), and Cher (2021)


Beniamino Gigli (20 March 1890 – 30 November 1957) was an Italian operatic tenor who is widely regarded as one of the greatest of his generation.






















Knowing Your Worth

Gigli left the Met in 1932, ostensibly after refusing to take a pay cut.-- Wikipedia

The Met, which was caught in a squeeze,

Decided to lower their fees,

Said Gigli, “What rot!

And Depression or not,

I’m insulted by offers like these.”



Style Points

Some critics say that he was overemotional during his performances, often resolving to sobbing and, in some cases, exaggerations. -- Wikipedia

Some said he was over-emotional,

That his sobbing was too self-promotional,

While others averred

That the things he preferred

Were rather too over-devotional.




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