Sunday, November 13, 2022

November 13 - Bernhard Romberg (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 13h are here: Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow; George Whitefield Chadwick (2019)Whoopi Goldberg (2020), and Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow (2021)



Bernhard Romberg (13 [or 11 or 12] November 1767 – 13 August 1841) was a German cellist and composer.  [Sources disagree on his birth date, but today suits my purposes, so I have followed English-language Wikipedia on this.]




















Roman à clef 

Romberg is responsible for simplifying cello notation to only three  clefs, the bass clef, the tenor, clef, and the treble clef. Until his time, it was common to use many clefs for multiple uses; the 18th century cellist-composer Luigi Boccherini used as many as six clefs in his compositions.  – Wikipedia

Should cello players have less stress?

The answer, you’ll agree, is yes!

Herr Romberg, on his trade’s behalf,

Simplified the cello staff

By using fewer clefs (the rebel!)

And using tenor, bass, and treble,

Avoiding all the mental tricks

That cellists needed when the mix.

Of clefs in use had numbered six.

The cello section is more mellow

Because of this resourceful fellow.



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