Wednesday, January 11, 2023

January 11 - Christian Sinding; Reinhold Glière (The Musical Birthday Series; 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 11th are here: Christian Sinding; Maurice Duruflé (2020), Reinhold Glière (2021), and Maurice Duruflé (2022)



Christian Sinding (11 January 1856 – 3 December 1941) was a Norwegian composer. 






















Christian Sinding’s only hit

Has faded from the scene a bit;

What happens to a one hit wonder

When even that has lost its thunder?



 Reinhold Glière (11 January 1875 [O.S. 30 December 1874] – 23 June 1956), was an Ukranian composer.  





















Safe Passages


As the last genuine representative of the pre-revolutionary national Russian school, i.e. a 'living classic', Glière was immune to the standard reproach of "formalism" (mostly equivalent to "modernity" or "bourgeois decadence"). Thus the infamous events of 1936 and 1948 passed Glière by. -- Wikipedia 

Reinhold Glière

Wrote pleasant fare

Which prized age-old priorities;

It was a flair

That didn’t scare

The Soviet authorities.




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