Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January 17 - Thomas Linley the Elder (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 17th are here: Eartha Kitt; John Stanley; Benjamin Franklin (2020), Kid Rock (2021), and François-Joseph Gossec (2022)


Thomas Linley (17 January 1733 – 19 November 1795) was a prominent English music teacher and impresario.  Several of his chin=ldern had successful musical careers.
















A Sad Tale

Thomas Linley the Younger’s early promise was cut short when he drowned in a boating accident, aged just 22 years. – Wikipedia

Thomas Linley (the Elder one)

Had a most precocious son.

Alas! Before his time was due,

The Younger died at twenty-two.


Mixed Metaphor

The Linleys quickly became the most prominent artists among the community of musicians providing entertainment to the wealthy tenants of Bath.  Charles Burney famously described them as "a Nest of Nightingales". – Wikipedia

Said Burney of the family Linley,

  “They are a nest of nightingales;”

Spread it thickly, spread it thinly

   Praise like this can fill your sails!



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