Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22 - Jan August Vitásek (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 22nd are here:  Marni Nixon (2020), Johann Ambrosius Bach; Johann Nikolaus Forkel (2021), and Niels Gade; Nacio Herb Brown (2022)


Jan August Vitásek (20 February 1770 – 7 December 1839) was a Bohemian composer. 















Prague-matic Decision

Vitásek remained in Prague for the rest of his life and became one of the city's leading musical figures, even refusing an offer of a directorship at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.  – Wikipedia

Here’s a toast to Vitásek,
Who lived and died a loyal Czech!
This he demonstrated when a
Job was offered from Vienna,
And though St. Stephen’s must have beckoned,
He turned it down, and calmly reckoned,
"A post so non-Bohemian
 Is not a job I see me in."



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