Saturday, March 11, 2023

March 11 - Lawrence Welk; Mercer Ellington (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 11th may be found here:  Carl Ruggles (2019), Lawrence Welk (2020), Henry Cowell; Astor Piazzolla (2021), and  Lawrence Welk; Bobby McFerrin (2022)



Lawrence Welk (11 March 1903 – 17 May 1992) was an American bandleader who had a successful television career.






















On Watching Lawrence Welk with the Grandparents

A generation lost its troubles

On Sunday nights with champagne bubbles;

Though those I watched it with, I think

Had never tasted such a drink.





Mercer Ellington (11 March 1919 – 8 February 8, 1996) was an American musician, composer, and arranger. His father was Duke Ellington, whose band Mercer led for 20 years after his father's death. -- Wikipedia




















Like Dear Old Dad

The fact that he stayed

In the family trade

Proved that Duke, as precursor,

Was no burden for Mercer.




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