Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 6 - Johann Kuhnau (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 6th may be found here: André Previn (2019), Gheorghe Zamfir (2020), Johann Kuhnau (2021), and John Pizzarelli (2022)



Johann Kuhnau (6 April 1660 – 5 June 1722) was a German composer and Bach's predecessor at Liepzig. He was also active as a novelist, translator, lawyer, and music theorist.




















How to Have Success at Happy Hour

When the Leipzig Thomaskantor

Comes up in your office banter,

Bach will dominate, although

Kuhnau’s also good to know.

But such a circumstance, methinks,

Will not occurred at office drinks,

So study up on likelier themes,

Like Netflix, sports, and funny memes.



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