Thursday, June 1, 2023

June 1 - Joseph Elsner (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 1st will be found here: Mikhail Glinka (2019), Carl Bechstein (2020), Nelson Riddle (2021), and Georg Muffat; Ferdinando PaĆ«r (2022)



Joseph Elsner (1 June 1769 – 18 April 1854) was a Polish composer, music teacher, and music theoretician.














Fons et Origo

Elsner diaried of Chopin: "Chopin, Fryderyk, third-year student, amazing capabilities, musical genius."  -- Wikipedia

While Joseph Elsner wrote a lot,

The only lasting fame he’s got

Derives from teaching Chopin theory,

And so it’s a relief to hear he

Embarked on his responsibilities

Aware of Chopin’s capabilities.




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