Wednesday, September 20, 2023

September 20 - Gottfried Scheidt (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 20th are here: William Kapell (2019), Ildebrando Pizzetti (2020), Frank De Vol (2021), and John Dankworth (2022)



Gottfried Scheidt (20 September 1593 – 3 June 1661) was a German composer and organist.  He was the younger brother and pupil of the much better known Samuel Scheidt.  The sibling rivalry mention in the verse is purely conjectural.














Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

In Germany each family clan,

According to a standard plan

Determined, as his life began,

His occupation as a man.

A case in point, that one might cite,

Occurred within the family Scheidt,

Where Samuel shone with light so bright

That Gottfried took it as a slight.



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