Saturday, October 14, 2023

October 14 - Maurice Martenot (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for Alexander Zemlinsky; La Monte Young (2019), Alexander Zemlinsky (2020), Kaija Saariaho (2021), and Maurice Martenot (2022)



Maurice Martenot (14 October 1898 – 8 October 1980) was a French cellist, a radio telegrapher, and inventor of the ondes martenot, a early electronic musical instrument.













Repertoire Restrictions

The ondes of Maurice Martenot,

As most of you, I'm sure, will know

Is sometimes scored into the mix

That underlays old sci-fi flicks,

And one might hear it now and then

In works by Monsieur Messiaen.

These are the genres apropos-ist,

If you’re a would be martenot-ist



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