Friday, December 8, 2023

December 8 - Jean Sibelius; Sammy Davis Jr. (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 8th are here: Bohuslav Martinů; Jean Sibelius (2019), Gérard Souzay (2020), James Galway (2021), and Jean Sibelius (2022)













Jean Sibelius (8 December 1865 – 20 September 1957) is widely regarded as the greatest Finnish composer.


EITHER/either; or, Pronouncing Valse triste

While the English are apt to persist

In calling this morsel “Valse Trihste”

And the French, to their east,

Say the piece is Valse Treeste. —-

My advice to them both, “Co-exist!”


Naming Rites

Johan Julius Christian Sibelius

Went searching for a proper alias,

And had the luck to hit upon

The simple monosyllable Jean.




Sammy Davis Jr. (8 December 1925 – 16 May 1990) was an American singer, actor, comedian and dancer. 












Vegas Nerve

Concerning the group's reputation for womanizing and heavy drinking, Joey Bishop stated in a 1998 interview: "I never saw Frank, Dean Martin, Sammy or Peter drunk during performances. That was only a gag! And do you believe these guys had to chase broads? They had to chase 'em away!" — Wikipedia

The Rat Pack, as middle-aged singers,

Were known in the tabloids as swingers;

On stage they'd enthuse

About women and booze,

While exchanging  affectionate zingers.



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