Saturday, March 23, 2024

March 23 - Dave Frishberg; Eugène Gigout (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 23rd may be found here: Julius Reubke (2019), Arthur Farwell (2020), Anthony van Hoboken (2021), Dave Frishberg; Dane Rudhyar (2022), and Ludwig Minkus (2023)



David Frishberg (23 March 1933 – 17 November 2021) was an American jazz pianist, vocalist, composer, and lyricist.  





















I’m Just a Dave

Dave Frishberg lived in old St. Paul

Before he heard the coastal call.

He started on his way to fame

By playing piano at The Flame.

He had an easy breezy way

With songs for club or cabaret,

Performers loved the sassy zip

Of ”Peel Me a Grape” and then “I’m Hip”.

He wrote his songs like these ad hoc,

And later wrote for Schoolhouse Rock.




Eugène Gigout (23 March 1844 – 9 December 1925) was a French organist and a composer,













One Chestnut

The 10 pièces pour orgue include the "Toccata in B minor", Gigout's best-known creation, which turns up as a frequent encore at organ recitals. – Wikipedia 

Unless you’re an organist, you

May not have encountered Gigout.

If you haven’t, you have gotta

Check out his Toccata

On a YouTube performance or two.



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