Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20 - Jacopo Peri (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 20th are here: Jacopo Peri (2019), (2020), Josef Strauss; Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg (2021), Jacopo Peri (2022), and Jacopo Peri (2023)



Jacopo Peri (20 August 1561 – 12 August 1633) wrote the earliest surviving opera. 




















Nice Try 1

As an attempt to revive Greek drama, Dafne was a long way off from what the ancient Greeks would have recognized as dramatic art. -- Wikipedia, s.v. “Dafne”

Compared to the Roman or Greek

The drama in Florence was weak,

So Jacopo Peri

Decided to jerry-

Rig something he thought was Antique.




Nice Try 2

Dafne is the earliest known work that, by modern standards, could be considered an opera. – Wikipedia, s.v. “Dafne”

Jacopo Peri whose Dafne began

    The craze for the opera stage,

Conceived of the show on the dubious plan

    Of reviving the Classical Age.

For though he essayed to be Greek or be Roman,

    While reviving the glories of yore,

Alas, Signor Peri was hardly a showman

    And the result was an evening-long bore.




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