Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 17 - Anja Silja (The Musical Birthday Series)

Anja Silja (b. 17 April 1940) was one of the most compelling singing actors on the opera stage of her time.  As mentioned in today's verse, I was privileged to see her once in Vienna.

Anja Marks

Anja Silja sang each role
With confident devotion;
A Valkyrie out on patrol,
Or Senta by the ocean,

Fidelio in Rocco’s jail,
Or Salome undressing,
Tosca and her final wail,
And Elsa’s useless guessing,

Lulu’s fatal sex appeal,
Brunnhilde on her rock,
Isolde’s potion-aided zeal,
Erwartung’s heightened talk.

All of this in spite a voice
Unsteady, although loud.
And luckily, I can rejoice
That I’ve been in the crowd.

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