Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 22 - Franz Liszt (The Musical Birthday Series)

Franz Liszt (22 October 1811 – 31 July 1886) was a great piano virtuoso and an estimable composer.

Passing the Baton

When Beethoven reverently kissed
The pre-teenaged brow of Franz Liszt,
A musical bond
From the muses beyond
Was said from that time to exist.



The Piano Sonata of Liszt,
With energy hard to resist,
Develops its theme
In a way that can seem
To insist and insist and insist.


Of the People, By the People

The Rhapsodies labeled “Hungarian”
Had themes that Liszt thought were agrarian,
But as it turned out
There isn’t a doubt
They were bourgeois and not proletarian.


Father Forgive

Was his music just tawdry display
In a flashy and unmeaning way,
Or was it profound
With a spiritual sound
As befitted a future abbé?

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