Saturday, November 30, 2019

November 30 - Carl Loewe (The Musical Birthday Series)

Carl Loewe (30 November 1796 – 20 April 1869) was a composer, now largely remembered for
effective ballads for solo voice and piano.

“In 2012 an urn thought to contain the heart of Carl Loewe was found inside the Szczecin 
Cathedral’s southern pillar during the renovation works carried out that year. A special 
commission appointed by the Szczecińsko-Kamieńska Metropolitan Curia has deduced, on the 
basis of historical records and an inscription on the pillar, that the urn indeed contains the
 heart of Carl Loewe.” --Wikipedia
Hearts and Flowers

A story most strange to impart
Is the story of Carl Loewe’s heart.
It seems, when he died, 
They put it aside,
And buried the rest à la carte.

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