Saturday, February 1, 2020

February 1 - Renata Tebaldi; Victor Herbert; George Beverly Shea (The Musical Birthday Series)

Renata Tebaldi (1 February 1922 – 19 December 2004) was one of the supremely great sopranos of the post-war era.


Italian diva Renata Tebaldi
Insisted her maid should go shopping at Aldi.


Victor Herbert (1 February 1859 – 26 May 1924) was a cellist and composer, best known for his highly successful operettas.


The musical shows
Of Victor Herbert,
As everyone knows,
Are light as sherbet.


George Beverly Shea (1 February 1909 – 16 April 2013) was a bass-baritone known for singing hymns.


George Beverly Shea,
Who would never say,”Damn!”
Devoted his day
To God and to Graham.

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