Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13 - Howard Keel (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Howard Keel (13 April 1919 – 7 November 2004) was an American baritone and actor on Broadwy and in Hollywood.

[For last year's verse on William Sterndale Bennett click here.]























High-powered Howard

In 1945, he briefly understudied for John Raitt  in the Broadway hit Carousel before being assigned to Oklahoma!.... While performing in Oklahoma, Keel accomplished a feat that has never been duplicated on Broadway; he once performed the leads in both shows on the same day. - Wikipedia

Howard Keel,

The real deal,

Had sex appeal

And was ideal

(Critics feel).

When there was need

To succeed,

He guaranteed

A virile lead.

(It was agreed.)






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