Tuesday, July 14, 2020

July 14 - Gerald Finzi (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Gerald Finzi (14 July 1901 – 27 September 1956) was a British composer. 

[For last year's tribute to Eric Stokes click here.] 









Country Life

Finzi never felt at home in the city and ... settled ... in Aldbourne, Wiltshire, where he devoted himself to composing and apple-growing, saving a number of rare English apple varieties from extinction. --Wikipedia

Gerald Finzi, never skittish,

Somewhat dreary, very British,

Lived a life retired and local,

Writing music, mostly vocal,

Never letting down his guard, he

Set depressing texts by Hardy.

Wasn't churched, but wrote for chapels,

Cultivating heirloom apples.




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