Tuesday, September 22, 2020

September 22 - Andrea Bocelli; Anton Filtz (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Andrea Bocelli (b. 22 September 1958) is an popular Italian tenor and songwriter.

[For last year's limerick on Debby Boone click here.] 

Crossover and Out

The gods gave Bocelli

  A nice little voice,

Then asked why the hell he

  Made opera his choice.











Anton Fils [also Antonín Fils, Johann Anton Fils, Johann Anton Filtz], (bapt. 22 September 1733 – 14 buried March 1760) was a German classical composer.









The Late Great


"the greatest composer of symphonies who ever lived" ["Ich halte ihn für den besten Symphonienschreiber, den jemahls gelebt hat."] ---  C. F. D. Schubart, Ideen zu einer ästhetik der Tonkunst (1806), 141

Schubart thought he walked on stilts,

That symphonist named Anton Filtz,

But arbiters have reassessed…

And Anton Filtz was NOT the best.




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