Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7 - Francis Poulenc (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Francis Poulenc (7 January 1899 – 30 January 1963) was a French composer and pianist whose music, especially his works for voices, is still a popular part of the repertoire.

[For last year's little item, also on Poulenc click here.] 




















Seasonal Advice

If your choir is about to present

A concert in Advent or Lent,

The Poulenc motets

Are as good as it gets,

And you’ll find your rehearsals well spent.


In Poulenc’s more serious works

We still hear his signature quirks.

His farcical smile

Is subdued for a while,

But his spirit still bubbles and perks.

Les bonnes chansons

In the art of the French mélodies

There is nobody better than he.

At college recitals

His numerous titles

Go down like a pleasant chablis.



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1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! While I was reading your excellent limericks, I heard Poulenc's music running through my head.
