Friday, August 6, 2021

August 6 - Leland Smith (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 6th are here: Barbara Strozzi (2019) and Ernesto Lecuona (2020)




Leland Smith (6 August 1925 – 17 December 2013) was an American musician, teacher and computer scientist who developed the music engraving tool SCORE.



















The SCORE music typography system was released in 1986 as the outgrowth of Smith’s work, and over the course of the 1980s and 1990s it became the first music software embraced by leading music publishers…. -- American Composers Alliance

You haven't heard of Leland Smith?

His name should be the stuff of myth,

For Leland Smith devised the code

That took away the heavy load

Of writing out your music score

In pen and ink (a horrid chore).

And if, at first, results were rough,

It quickly led to cleaner stuff.

Technology improved, and thus,

Composers who no longer cuss

At vellum, ink, and muss, and fuss,

Are always eager to discuss

Finale or Sibelius.



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